Greenline - Special Edition: Post-Election report from Green Party of the United States
Greens Make a Difference in November 3 Elections
Green Party: GP.orgThe Green Party made some big new moves and proved that it has earned the voter's support in Tuesday's local elections.
Greens in California made history again by winning, for the fourth time in American history, a majority on a town council. Pam Hartwell-Herrero finished first of seven candidates to join Lew Treamine and Larry Bragman on the majority-Green Fairfax Town Council. Greens also earned majorities on the Arcata, CA council in the late 90s and in Sebastopol, CA and the village of New Paltz, NY earlier in this decade.
In Minnesota, incumbent Minneapolis City Council Cam Gordon was re-elected, as well as long-time Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board member Annie Young.
Greens on the East Coast showed their skills with perfect election nights. Two candidates ran for city councils in Maryland and both were victorious. Dan Robinson maintained his seat on the Takoma Park, MD council and Christine Nagle won her election to the College Park, MD council. In New Caanan, CT, three Greens ran for Constable and all were elected.
Elsewhere in new England, Kevin Donoghue and David Marshall won re-election to the Portland (ME) City Council. Chuck Turner was re-elected to the Boston City Council.
In New York, in a partisan race, Mary Jo Long was re-elected to the Afton Town Council and Jennifer Dotson was re-elected to the Ithaca Common Council. Lynne Serpe put the Green Party on the map in New York City, winning nearly 25% in her race for New York City Council.
To see more 2009 election results, visit To get a sneak preview of the 2010 Green Party candidates from your area, visit the Green Party's comprehensive election database at
New On-Line Issue of Green Pages Available
Green Pages, the national newsletter of the Green Party, is releasing new content regularly through our on-line edition. Check out the Fall 2009 edition here.
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